Foster Application

    Your first name (required)

    Your last name (required)

    Your Co-Applicant's Name

    Your Email (required)

    Your Phone Number (required)

    Alternate Phone Number

    Your Address (required)





    What is your current occupation?

    Name of employer:

    Work number:

    How long with this employer?

    What is your co-applicant's current occupation?

    Name of co-applicant's employer:

    Co-applicant's work number:

    Co-Applicant's cell number:

    Co-Applicant's email address:

    Are either you or the co-applicant a student?

    How many adults in your household?

    How many children in your household?

    Please list the ages of the children:

    Besides your immediate family, are others residing in your home?

    Please list the names, ages, and your relationship to the other residents:

    Do they share your interest in fostering?

    Does any member of your household have a cat allergy?

    Are you currently fostering for another organization?

    Have you fostered in the past?

    Please describe your fostering experience and what (if any) organizations you fostered for:

    Do you rent or own your home? (required)

    How long have you lived at your current address?

    Please describe – house, apartment, townhouse, condo?

    Square feet?

    If you rent, please provide your landlord's name & phone number:

    Do you have the permission of your landlord to have a foster cat?

    Is a pet deposit required?


    Please list your current pet(s) – Name, Age, Species (dog/cat), Gender, and Breed

    Are all your current pets spayed/neutered?

    Are your current pets on monthly flea preventive treatment?

    Are your current pets up to date on all vaccinations?

    Have your current cats been tested for feline leukemia and FIV?


    Are your cats current on FELV & FIV vaccinations?

    Do your current pets get along with other cats?

    If you think there may be a conflict, please describe how your will keep the foster cat separate from your family pet(s):

    How long are you willing to foster a particular animal?

    Please describe where the cat will stay during the day, at night, and when you aren’t home:

    Please check the type of animals you would be interested in fostering: (required)

    Are you willing to work with a foster cat on litter box issues should the need arise?

    Are you willing to foster a “Special Needs” cat (a cat needing special medical treatment)?

    Are you willing to transport the cat for any necessary veterinary care?

    (Note: Buddies Place has designated veterinarians located in Arlington & Fort Worth) All regular non-emergency appointments & emergencies must be set up by a designated person within the rescue in order for medical bills to be paid by Buddies Place.

    Note: Buddies Place covers the medical expenses for all foster animals, unless otherwise arranged. However, our vet care costs are only discounted through our designated vets and therefore they are the only clinics we currently use for routine care. With the obvious exception of a life threatening medical emergency, if you should decide to take your foster animal to a different vet for convenience or any other reason, Buddies Place will not be able to cover the cost of the visit. Thank you for your understanding.

    Are you willing to meet with a potential adopter either at your home or theirs?

    Are you willing to pick up the cat on the first day of your foster period, and transport the cat to Buddies Place vet (or another designated location) on the last day of your foster period?

    Emergency contact name (required):

    Emergency contact phone number (required):

    Emergency contact email (required):

    Relationship to you:

    Anything else you'd like us to know?

    Foster Care Agreement I/we understand that all animals are TEMPORARILY fostered for Buddies Place Cat Rescue and are the property of Buddies Place. I agree to keep any foster animal under my control at all times while I am fostering, keeping cats inside and/or dogs on-leash. If my foster pet(s) shows any sign of health or behavior problems, I understand that I need to contact Buddies Place immediately. I will relinquish any foster animal to Buddies Place upon their request. If you or your acquaintances should become interested in adopting a foster pet, an adoption application can be found on the Buddies Place website ( Buddies Place is not responsible for damage or injury to any person, animal, or possession caused by a foster animal. By accepting below, you are verifying that you have read and agree to all terms stated above. I/we attest that the information provided on this form is true and accurate to the best of my/our knowledge. Buddies Place strongly recommends the foster have an up to date Tetanus vaccine.

    - I accept these terms.

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